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Executive Board

Article VII of the official By-Laws of the Pennyroyal Master Gardener Association states: "The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Vice President, Public Relations and Marketing Coordinator, Recording Secretary, Coordinator of Member Relations, Treasurer, the immediate past President, Volunteer Coordinator, Education Coordinator, and the Hopkins County Extension Agent for Horticulture." They serve in these volunteers roles for one or two years as designated in the By-Laws.


Standing from left to right: Member Relations-Joan Hobgood, Education Coordinator-Heather Staggs, Secretary-Kim Harrison, Public Relations/Media-Linda Thomas, Volunteer Coordinator- Brandy Garcia. Seated from left to right: Vice President- Susie Scholze, Treasurer- David Call, President- Virginia Call.

Not pictured: Immediate Past President- Gale Vogel.

Our Vision and Goals

The objectives and goals of this organization as a horticulture program shall be to provide: continuing education opportunities for the membership; assistance in training future Master Gardeners; assistance to Master Gardeners in fulfilling their volunteer commitment; input to the Horticulture Agent in development, implementation, and evaluation of the Horticulture programs of the Cooperative Extension Service; the necessary volunteer leadership and support for conducting Cooperative Extension Service programs; a positive image of the Cooperative Extension Service; assistance in explaining and promoting Cooperative Extension Service programs and opportunities to the public and governing bodies; and representative(s) to the County Horticulture Council and the County Extension Council.


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